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The Life of TriPod – a natural born tripawd Golden Retriever

2013 Archive

Apr 05

T.G.I.F…..Yes it is Friday but more importantly T.G.F.T. …..Thank God for Tripawds! A SPECIAL MESSAGE FOR TRIPAWD OWNERS The love and devotion of a dog or cat is something that is unsurpassed by anything or sometimes anyone else.They accept us unconditionally and love us no matter who we are. They just love us for loving […]

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Apr 04

THE TPOD CHALLENGE~ After re-reading the rules TPod (Mr. T) only needs to stay in the top three and can still possibly win. Here is the challenge part: Keep the votes coming….and if he wins the $300 goes to the Tripawds Nation….if does not win but is still in the top three his family will […]

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Apr 04

We are happy so say we are currently in 3rd place and gaining ground! Please remember you can vote once a day through the end of April. Mr. T and I would love to be able to donate the prize money back to the Tripawds Nation. This is such a wonderful group of people and […]

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Apr 02

Hi All~ Mr. T has entered a Golden Retriever photo contest and if he wins he has requested that the $300 prize be donated to! We know how much work goes into keeping this amazing site up and running and hope to help in any way we can. Please take time to cast your […]

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Mar 03

Happy TriDay to All! What a glorious day to be alive! I am wishing all my fellow Tripawds an awesome day! I am a natural born tripawd so have not had to endure many of the challenges both physical and emotional that many of my fellow tripawds have had to experience. Mom and I read […]

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Feb 16

This week just flew by! I was so busy at work and play that the next thing I knew it was Friday! And now we have a three day weekend at home so there will be more Play…Play…Play! About a month ago my Auntie Muncie was diagnosed with hypothyroidism which is easy to control now […]

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Feb 01

    Today was a good day to be me! Yea so I pulled the three-legged dog sympathy card today and got to hang out with mom all day! Just me and her. I even got to ride in the front seat and rest my head out the window as we drove. It was a […]

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Jan 28

I’m sure some of you might have seen this already but thought I would share the link. 3,000 Dogs to Help find cure for Canine Cancer So many of us have been touched by this horrible disease at some point in time. Many of you are dealing with it right now. I have lost two […]

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Jan 26

Today I am just thankful for my family…… both canine and human. I have adjusted really well to being back with my birth family and am so happy to know that I have my furever home. Today mom and I got to go to the dog park and I met another tripawd there! He is […]

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Jan 26

Bath Day

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Well today my human mom took me to my first appointment with a “groomer”. It was a little scary at first but that didn’t last long becauseĀ in a matter of no time everyone there was fussing over how cute I am, how sweet and what a good boy I am. Awww shucks if I could […]

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