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The Life of TriPod – a natural born tripawd Golden Retriever

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May 10

Thanks to all that voted for me! I finished in 4th place and my family will be sending a donation to the Tripawds Nation!

I want to share the following email with all of you that I received from the nice people at Cru Vin Dogs. Thought this was pretty cool especially the part at the very end!


Hi TriPod!

What a beautiful and heart-warming story you have!  I’m so happy to hear you are now living happily with your furever family, one hop at a time! 🙂

We would like to thank you very much for being a part of our “Golden Moment” contest.  And more importantly, thank you for all your support of Cru Vin Dogs, The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, and your wonderful canine charities.  As you know, every bit of help counts, and you obviously go above and beyond to support such great causes.  We were overwhelmed with amazing stories of Golden Moments, but yours is certainly a beautiful one.  It really reminds us of how much our canine best friends bring joy into our lives every day –  making every day a “golden” one!

Although not originally part of our contest, your story really captured our hearts, and obviously the hearts of many.  Tripod is not only one of the cutest dogs I’ve ever seen, but what a great story as well!  I’m a sucker for happy endings! We’d love to send you a $25 Cru Vin Dogs gift card, as a token of our love and gratitude.  Just let us know your address.

Again, thank you very much for your support and sharing your favorite “Golden Moment” with us.


-From all of us at the Cru Vin Dogs Wine Group


Also, I wanted to let you know that I have a great friend who has a TriPawd and I forwarded the tripawd site info to her.  She’s very excited.  She had no idea there was a tripawd community!

Thanks again for sharing.  What a great story!


Amber Grove

Marketing and Charity Accounts
Cru Vin Dogs Wine Group


“Tracking Down Great Wines For Good Causes”

THANKS again for all of your votes… was fun!

Mr. T (TriPod)

“Living life to the fullest…one hop at a time”

Add me to your Facebook to keep up with my latest news and adventures!

Baby Tpodmrt bean bag


Apr 16

My human family REALLY wants to donate the $300 to TRIPAWDS NATION but we need your help!

If I stay in the top “FOUR” my human family will personally donate the $300 BUT the challenge is I need to stay in the top “FOUR“.

At this time I am in 4th place. If I should make it to 3rd and get selected as the winner
my humans will still donated the prize money of $300 and match it with their own…that could be $600 for the Tripawds Nation.

So many of us rely on for support and information….please show your support and make sure we always have this valuable resource!

Please go to: VOTE HERE scroll to the bottom of my story and vote.

You can vote once a day…..


Mr. T (TriPod)

“Living life to the fullest…one hop at a time”

Add me to your Facebook to keep up with my latest news and adventures!

Baby Tpodmrt bean bag


Apr 13

Yes even our beloved tripawds can come across the occasional skunk.

I discovered this first hand a couple of months ago. Mr T and his mom, Dakota, decided they would go play with the cute little black and white kitty in the back of our property. Well as you may have guessed….it was not cute and it was not a kitty. Dakota got the worst of it but TriPod was right in the mix.

From past experience I knew the whole tomato juice thing didn’t work very well. So after a Google search we found the same formula as stated in the article below. It DOES work but just be careful to not get it in their eyes or let them swallow any (as stated in the article).

Of course, this was about 10:30 at night and we had to rush to the store before they closed to get what we need to de-skunk them.

Believe it our not once they were dry we were able to smell there coats up close and personal and there was no hint of skunk. We did have to double the recipe as they are larger dogs.

We now keep a “skunk kit” on hand just in case. Better safe than sorry.

Baby Tpodmrt bean bag


Mr. T………..”living life to the fullest… hop at a time”

Don’t forget to vote for Mr. T in the Cru Vin Wine Contest. VOTE HERE  If he stays in third place we will be donating $300 to the Tripawds Nation. We have some tough compition creeping up on him. You will need to scroll to the bottom of his story to vote.

You can vote once a day through the end of April. Please vote and share!


Apr 05

T.G.I.F…..Yes it is Friday but more importantly T.G.F.T. …..Thank God for Tripawds!


The love and devotion of a dog or cat is something that is unsurpassed by anything or sometimes anyone else.They accept us unconditionally and love us no matter who we are. They just love us for loving them.

But the love and devotion of a Tripawd goes above and beyond that of most animals. They put complete and total trust in us to provide for them and make the right decisions for them. Sometimes those decisions are not easy and often involve heartbreak for us as owners. The rewards we receive back from them cannot be measured in words … is the look in their eyes, the smile on their faces, the nudge of a wet nose or                      just the opportunity to sit and pet their soft coats.

Whether your baby is a Tripawd because of amputation, accident or birth defect they came into your life for a reason. You were chosen because you are special enough to have enough love and devotion to care for a Tripawd. So feel honored…..even if your time        together is not as long as you would like………because you were bestowed the honor of being loved by a Tripawd and will forever hold that feeling in your heart!

So everyday remember  ……….T.G.F.T

~Denna and Mr. T (TriPod)~

“Living life to the fullest…………one hop at a time”

Baby Tpodmrt bean bag

Baby TriPod………………………………all grown up and in his favorite bean bag!



Apr 04
After re-reading the rules TPod (Mr. T) only needs to stay in the top three and can still possibly win. Here is the challenge part: Keep the votes coming….and if he wins the $300 goes to the Tripawds Nation….if does not win but is still in the top three his family will personally donate $300 to the Tripawds Nation! So keep those votes coming!
Vote Here
(you will need to scroll down to the bottom to vote)

TriPod (Mr. T.)

“Living life to the fullest……… hop at a time”

Tripawds Rule!
Apr 04

We are happy so say we are currently in 3rd place and gaining ground! Please remember you can vote once a day through the end of April. Mr. T and I would love to be able to donate the prize money back to the Tripawds Nation. This is such a wonderful group of people and pets. So many inspiring stories have been shared and so many tears have been shed. We want to help in anyway we can to be sure there is always a place where those struggling with questions have somewhere to turn to for answers and support. Please help Mr. T (TriPod) reach his goal!

Vote Here!

Thanks~Denna and Mr. T~

“Living life to the fullest……one hop at a time”


Apr 02

Hi All~

Mr. T has entered a Golden Retriever photo contest and if he wins he has requested that the $300 prize be donated to!

We know how much work goes into keeping this amazing site up and running and hope to help in any way we can.

Please take time to cast your vote and share the link. We will keep you posted if he wins!

Cast Your Vote Here!

Thanks so much

Denna and Mr. T


Baby Tpod

Mar 03

Happy TriDay to All!

What a glorious day to be alive! I am wishing all my fellow Tripawds an awesome day!

I am a natural born tripawd so have not had to endure many of the challenges both physical and emotional that many of my fellow tripawds have had to experience. Mom and I read many of your posts and are encouraged everyday by your strength, determination and love for life!

A friend of mom’s told her the other day “You just can’t have a bad day once you’ve petted TriPod”. I feel the same way about ALL of you!

My day is always made brighter seeing the love and support of your families and how so many of you have battled back to have a rewarding and exciting life!

Although most of us will never meet please know that you all hold a very special place in my heart!

Happy TriDay…………hop on!

Your friend,

TriPod (aka Mr. T)

“Living life to the fullest………………… hop at a time”

Muddy TpodBaby Tpod

Feb 16

This week just flew by! I was so busy at work and play that the next thing I knew it was Friday! And now we have a three day weekend at home so there will be more Play…Play…Play!

About a month ago my Auntie Muncie was diagnosed with hypothyroidism which is easy to control now that we know.

Over the past few months she has gained a lot of weight and had less and less energy almost to the point of not wanting to get up and go outside at all.

My human mom knew there was something wrong and took her to the vet and they did a thyroid test. That was a month ago and she is feeling so much better.

We have been playing a lot and it is really good for her……she has even lost 2 pounds! I told her I would help her as much as I could and any time she

wants to wrestle and play I’m the dog to call! We both go to work with my human mom everyday so we are getting to be pretty close.

I also REALLY like playing tug-o-war with my Grammie Brandi ………………..she is the best.

These are pictures of me and Auntie Muncie at work. I even have my own bed now!…..but occasionally I still like to get on Auntie Muncie’s 😉

tandm tpod

Until next time….

Mr. T signing off…….

“Living life to the fullest……………………one hop at a time”

Feb 01



Today was a good day to be me!

Yea so I pulled the three-legged dog sympathy card today and got to hang out with mom all day! Just me and her.

I even got to ride in the front seat and rest my head out the window as we drove.

It was a nice sunny day. A little cool but the sun still felt really good as we were driving along.

Got a bug up my nose but it was totally worth it!

Until next time……………..

Mr. T ……….

“Living life to the fullest……………….one hop at a time”

tmrt mrt2