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The Life of TriPod – a natural born tripawd Golden Retriever

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Feb 28

Wow what a weekend! As many of you know Team TriPod participated in the Morris Animal Foundation K9 Cancer walk this past weekend in San Marcos, Ca.

We headed out on Friday and after 6 and half hours of driving we finally reached our destination. 2 tired humans and 3 well rested pups.

We checked in at Hotel Indigo Del Mar and settled in to our room for a good nights rest. What a beautiful place to stay and completely dog friendly.

Saturday morning we headed out for the K9 Cancer walk in San Marcos. Once we arrived we were immediately greeted by some of Wonder J’s friends who came to walk with us as part of Team TriPod.

MAF Sign

There was an estimated 500 walkers with their pups and what a variety there was….big ones, little ones, short ones, tall ones, supporters and survivors….all coming together to show our support to find a Cure. Tpod mom and Wonder J’s mom made these PAWsome Memory Capes for us to wear to honor pets who have been affect by cancer. (If you would like your pet name added please email me:



As the walk began tpod mom told our team that we would probably be last because while it was a nice day a mile and a half is pretty far to hop without taking some breaks. She told them to just go ahead and we would be there eventually. We hopped and walked while occasionally taking  a break. We shared my story numerous times……most people assumed I had lost my leg to cancer but tpod mom told them my story and off we would go again.


Eventually as predicted we were far behind but slow and steady wins the race. As we turned the corner for the last leg of the walk a nice young man came walking up to see if we were ok because our team was a little worried about us. tpod mom told him we were just taking our time….he walked the rest of the way with us. As we came across the parking lot there was a whole group of young men wearing the same MAF volunteer shirts as the young man who walked in with us. They all started clamping for me and tpod mom let me go so I could run over and meet them. They gave me lots of rubs and some water. Come to find out they were Marines from Camp Pendleton who volunteer for the event every year. HOW COOL IS THAT?! We should have been clapping for them and they were clapping for little ol’ me……


Once we got back and got settled in they started doing the awards. To our surprise Team TriPod got the award for “Top Individual Fundraiser”……WOW we weren’t expecting that. Thanks to all of our friends and followers we raised $2,020! We were part of Team Southern California Golden Retriever Rescue which was the second place team overall for fundraising. The total raised just on this walk so far is $36,625. Donations can still be made for another 2 weeks.


Team SCGRR Award


After a nap at the hotel we went to the dog beach and we got to run around and play in the surf. Then back to the hotel where meant up with some of our friends from the walk. Remington and Luka (tripawd) were there…they live with Angel Buddy Golden’s mom now. And Beans the Whippet was there too.  A great evening of food, friends and conversation around a fire pit. Doesn’t get much better than that……..or does it ;)……………..


A good night sleep refreshed us and after a yummy breakfast we headed to the dog waterpark. Can you believe that!? A waterpark just for pups!!!……it was the most PAWsome time ever. A built in pool with a dock diving ramp, a shallow end and a deeper end. Talk about crazy fun……OMD …..I never wanted to leave.

brunch2 - Copy brunch

parkk2 - Copy park

So my fellow friends and tripawds I will now close but not before I once again say THANK YOU! To everyone who supported Team TriPod.

Captain T Pod
“Superhero Against K9 Cancer”

“Living Life to the Fullest…..One Hop at a Time”



Feb 04

Last month I had my TRI (3rd) birthday. My friend Jordan and her mom gave me a surprise Pawrty and Barney just happened to be with me. He is quite the pawrty animal.


This was my pawrty. Barney got to meet Alice. My friend Jordan lives in a house that is 100 years old this year. Alice is there “resident” ghost. But Alice isn’t scary….she is quite the pawrty girl….I think maybe she needs to eat a few more pupcakes though….she looks a little thin…..I also think Barney kind of had a crush on her.1521651_200124593521511_928621030_n

This was my “cake” I didn’t get to eat any but they made us homemade pup ice cream….it was yuuummmy!


After having all those goodies Barney and I decided to rumble….

1526293_200129906854313_1835657256_nUh Oh Barney is in trouble now…..J has found him….

1535467_200129840187653_2118604056_nAuntie Muncie saved him….either that or he farted and Jordan dropped him…… just sayin’ ….he does that a lot.

Well that’s it for our birthday pawrty adventures.

Barney will be leaving us after this week to his next TOP SECRET destination.

We haven’t done as much as we had hoped while he was here but we are going to squeeze in as much as we can over the next week.

Stay tuned……

Mr. T

“Living life to the fullest……one hop at a time”




Jan 10

Hi Fellow Friends and Tripawds!

T.G.F.T. (Thank God for Tripawds) but not for the reason many of us are Tripawds.

That dreaded, horrible C word……… but finally there is HOPE. I am sure many of you have heard of the Morris Animal Foundation Lifetime Project. The study of 3,000 Golden Retrievers over the course of their life to research and find answers as to why…..

And while this study is being done on Golden Retrievers, the research has the potential to help all dogs. What a great day it will be when owners won’t have to make those dreaded                   decisions….and the tripawd population is almost no more. While we know we are a special group wouldn’t it be great if the only tripawds were natural born ones? It CAN happen!!

Be a part of something that can change the life of thousands upon thousands of dogs.

While not everyone can donate….everyone can share and spread the word. There is strength in numbers……dare to step out and get involved. In this day and age it’s as simple as a push of a button. No matter who you are or where you….you have the opportunity to spread the word and be part of the solution.

I will be “hopping” in the K9 for Cancer Walk in San Diego on February 22, 2014.

I would love to see you there, join my team, make a donation or share and spread the word.

Team TriPod One Hop at A time will not only be “hopping” against cancer but “hopping”             to represent the Tripawd community.  I will be there to represent those who can’t be there or who have crossed over the bridge. It is my hope that there will be other tripawds there that will join me. Team TriPod is part of the Southern California Golden Retriever Rescue team.

Click below to join my team, make a donation or copy and share.

Together WE can make the C stand for CURE!

Click below for more information on the event.


“Living Life to the fullest…..One Hop at a Time”

saving the world

Jan 10

Well once Barney was done with his four hour nap we decided to go check out the plant…………


We rode on the fork lift………….that’s my buddy Chris ….. I like Chris 😉


Barney thought he would try making some parts………..He didn’t like this so we moved on…

Lazy Dino can’t walk any where I have to do it for him…………

Turn my back for one second and this happens…………geez!



And then he decided he needed a snack………..,………..


And of course he couldn’t have a snack without a soda!

It was about this time that we decided maybe it would have been better to leave him home and let him be a couch potato all day…………….

Tomorrow is a new day!

Mr. T

“Living life to the fullest… hop at a time”






Jan 09

To say Barney has been as slacker as of late would be an understatement!! The little Purple Dude has done nothing but eat and sleep ever since Christmas! Sooooooooooooo……..

tpod mom and I decided it was time he got off his lazy little purple butt and go to work for change! tpod mom works for a plastic injection molding company so we decided there should be something he could do to earn his keep.

IMG_3599[1]Safety first ! We made sure Barney put on his seat belt.


Since “someone” hasn’t had his coffee yet I guess it’s up to me to carry him inside……he is in NO shape to walk just yet!


After his 3rd cup of coffee he was finally able to think about working…..


Ok well maybe not…..I think someone had a little too much coffee!!

IMG_3605[1] IMG_3606[1]IMG_3607[1]

Barney had WAY to much coffee!! He was bouncing off the walls so for now it is up to me to hold him down and keep him out of trouble. Auntie Muncie is not amused by his antics …….she’s pretty sure we should have left him at home.

That’s it for now folks……Once Barney manages to get his act together we will go out in the plant and do some work and meet the guys. Hopefully, I can keep him out of trouble…..will post more later!


Living life to the fullest…… hop at a time”




Dec 30

As you might imagine the holidays have been a bit hectic so we apologize for not doing regular Barney updates.

I still haven’t decided how I feel about the little Purple Dude. He can be a little obnoxious at times…not to mention how he smells….but then at other times we get along pretty well.

On Christmas Day we decided to hang out and be silly…..

Barney Angel ? No I don't think so!

Barney Angel ? No I don’t think so!


I told Barney how fun it is to ride with your head out the window……he didn’t think so..


Fa la la lala la

That’s it for now folks….but we have some “fun” videos we are working on.

All I can tell you is Barney has been auditioning for some movie roles. 🙂

Mr. T

“Living life to the fullest……one hop at a time”


Nov 21

‘Tis the season….full of family, fun, presents and new beginnings.

Many of us look forward to the approaching holidays but for many it is not always happy.

Life often slaps us in the face with things we have not planned for and don’t want to deal with. Unfortunately, that is life. But even in these times of darkness and despair there is always good to be found…..we just have to look for it. It may not be the answer we want but if we just open our hearts it may be the answer we need. is run by a few dedicated individuals who devote countless hours to bring much needed information and resources to fur parents facing amputation , dealing with cancer and coping with loss. Not something one necessarily wants to think about during this holiday season. But the reality is these issues don’t take a break for the holidays.

So many people who come to this site need that kind word and emotional support. It doesn’t matter that we don’t know each other or probably will never meet. What does matter is that someone…somewhere cares. Cares enough to offer a kind word or encouragement or to share in the pain of a loss.

So this holiday season during all the hustle and bustle, take a few minuets to log-on to this site….find a blog and respond to it. You may just be the one person that makes the difference for that person or that family.

We may live near or far, we are spread throughout the whole world, but we ALL have one thing that brings us together and makes us a family and that is our beloved pets.

Not everyone can show financial support but we all can share emotional support and encouragement. If you have been blessed with some extra funds this year find a local shelter to help out or make a donation to the ASPCA, the Morris Animal Foundation or a host of other worthy animal organizations. Never think a donation is too small. There is strength in numbers. We can ALL make a difference.

We sincerely wish each and everyone of you a Hoppy Holiday season!

A special thanks to the team for all you do!

Best wishes to one and all!

TriPod and Denna

saving the world




Oct 09

Hi Friends and Fellow Tripawds!

Since it’s been awhile I thought I would drop in and say Hi, Hello, How are Ya?

These past few weeks I have been a busy busy little tpod!

I went to Huntington Beach with tpod mom and my Auntie Muncie and got to watch the surf dog competition. It was pretty cool! Those dogs are amazing!

I bet tpod mom had to tell my story at least a dozen times or more! She ALWAYS tells everyone to visit the site if they haven’t. A lot of people already know about it and we have met several people with tripwads who didn’t and they thanked us for telling them about it.

While I was there I got to meet Beans the Whippet and watch her surf. Beans is deaf and looks to her ma for signs on what to do. Some of you may already follow her on Facebook but if not you should…..she is PAWsome and very funny !You can follow her here:

It was pretty neat because I have never been there before but there were people all over the beach who knew me! I kept hearing “Hey there’s TriPod…or look TriPod’s here!” Had my picture taken with lots of my Facebook friends and even had one of the judges from the surf dog competition ask to take a pic with me. Pretty crazy huh?

Lots of people (even surf dudes) kept asking “does he surf?” Probably because I had on my Ruffwear Float coat. Hey if your going to the beach you have to be ready to catch a wave right ?! Which I did of course. I don’t surf but I bet I could float on one of those boards if someone would go out with me 😉

I also got to meet Angel Buddy Golden’s mom. He was a tripawd as well. He was rescued by the Southern California Golden Retriever Rescue. They and a booth at the event so I met lots of the volunteers. What they do is so special.

The day before the surf dog event I got to meet Surf Dog Ricochet and go swimming with her and Rina. Ricochet is one amazing pup! She surfs with disabled children and wounded warriors. She has so far raised over $300,000 for these causes. Her story is just as amazing. Another great pup to follow on Facebook.

Speaking of Facebook… may have heard about them deleting friend based pet accounts. It’s true! I have had several of my fur friends loose their accounts. I still have mine as of now but just in case they zap me…. tpod mom set-up my fan based account. You can follow me at:

Until next time my friends!


“Saving the world….one hop at a time!”

saving the world

Baby Tpod

“Living life to the fullest……one hop at a time”


Aug 28

Greetings to all of my fellow Tripawds!

I can’t believe that I haven’t posted here since May!!

tpod mom is dropping the ball….I need to have a talk with her!

While I haven’t posted in awhile please know that I do check in and read many of your posts and see them on the Tripawds Facebook page.

I rejoice at the victories and cry over ever fight that is lost……this is such an PAWmazing community which I am so proud to be a part of……everyone here is to be commended for all of the love and support that is shared with each other. We truly are family!

I have come to know many of you even better through my Facebook page as we share stories and adventures. Those of you who I haven’t I invite you to come on over and join us.

My life has changed so much since I came home to my tpod mom last year. I am a busy boy! I go to work everyday, get to take trips to the beach, have participated in a few fundraisers (and hope to do more), been to Golden Retriever meet-ups, participated in Goldens in the Park (I even retrieved a tennis ball and brought it back to tpod mom in front of hundreds of people, I was on the news that night) and overcome my reservations of new places/people (for the most part).

Life is good on three legs.

I just want all of you who are or who have had to deal with canine cancer to know that tpod mom and I keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. We are currently exploring ideas on how I can do fundraisers to help the fight against canine cancer. I may only be one little three legged dog who can’t make a big difference but if I make a difference for even one dog then for that one dog it will be big.

T.G.F.T. – see previous post for meaning 😉

Mr. T.

“living life to the fullest… hop at a time”

tpod beach



May 16

The TPod Challenge is complete… human’s have sent the donation to the Tripawds Nation and we would like to thank everyone who voted for me!

Thank you to all of the people at who keep this site up and running. It is such an amazing means of support for so many.

While my situation is a little different than most that are I am just as touched by all who are here and have received so much inspiration from so many.

Look for future “TPod Challenges”  to help Tripawds and Cancer Research.

T.G.F.T (Thank God for Tripawds)

As always I am “Living Life to the Fullest…..One Hop at a Time”

Mr. T

tpod beachBaby Tpod