Apr 04
The TPod Challenge ~
Posted in Uncategorized
After re-reading the rules TPod (Mr. T) only needs to stay in the top three and can still possibly win. Here is the challenge part: Keep the votes coming….and if he wins the $300 goes to the Tripawds Nation….if does not win but is still in the top three his family will personally donate $300 to the Tripawds Nation! So keep those votes coming!
Vote Here
(you will need to scroll down to the bottom to vote)
TriPod (Mr. T.)
“Living life to the fullest………..one hop at a time”
2 comments so far
7:24 pm - 4-4-2013
I have been voting on multiple computers, & phone 🙂
9:58 pm - 4-5-2013
LOL thanks Michelle….we are only 9 votes from 100!